


  (1)  Stenosis
   (a) Aortic stenosis (AS)
   (b) Mitral stenosis (MS)
   (c) Pulmonary stenosis (PS)
   (d) Tricuspid  stenosis (TS)
  (2) Regurgitation
   (a) Aortic regurgitation (AR)
   (b) Mitral regurgitation (MR)
   (c) Pulmonary regurgitation (PR)
   (d) Tricuspid regurgitation (TR)


  (1) Infective endocarditis (IE)
   (a) 由注射引起的 Acute IE (金黃色葡萄球菌)
   (b) 由口腔手術進入的 Subacute IE (草綠色鏈球菌)
  (2) NBE (Non-bacterial endocarditis)
   (a) 癌症病人好發的 NBTE (Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis)
   (b) SLE病人好發的 LSE (Libman-Sacks endocarditis)
   (c) Prosthetic valve endocarditis (人工瓣膜引發心內膜炎)



  (1) 過快的心律不整
   (a) Ventricular flutter (心室撲動, VTL)
   (b) Ventricular fibrillation (心室顫動, VFib)
   (c) Ventricular tachycardia (心室頻脈, VT)
   (d) Atrial flutter (心房撲動, AFL)
   (e) Atrial fibrillation (心房顫動, AFib)
   (f) WPW syndrome
  (2) 過慢的心律不整
   (a) 病竇症候群 (Sick sinus syndrome)
   (b) 房室阻斷 (AV block, AVB)
  (3) 早期收縮
   (a) 心室上早期收縮 (Premature SupraVentricular Contraction, PSVC)
   (b) 心室早期收縮 (Premature Ventricular Contraction, PVC)
   (c) 生理性早期收縮
   (d) 病理性早期收縮


-心血管疾病 (CHD, Coronary heart disease)
   (1) ACS (Acute coronary disease, 急性冠心症)
    (a) STEMI
    (b) NSTEMI
    (c) Unstable angina
   (2) Stable angina
   (3) MI
    (a) Atherosclerosis induced MI
    (b) Embolic obstruction induced MI
    (c) Spasm induced MI

[練習題] 1. Which of the following is the most common site of arterial thrombosis?
(A) Aorta
(B) Cerebral artery
(C) Coronary artery
(D) Femoral artery

[練習題] 2.Which of the following is the most common form of thromboembolic diseases ?
(A)Thromboembolism of cerebral arteries.
(B)Pulmonary embolism.
(C)Thromboembolism of coronary arteries.
(D)Systemic thromboembolism.

   (1) Cardiomyopathy
    (a) DCM (Dilated CM)
    (b) RCM (Restrictive CM)
    (c) HCM (Hypertrophic CM)
    (d) ASH (Asymmetric septal hypertrophy)
   (2) Myocarditis
    (a) 酸性球多 DIM (Drug-induced myocarditis= Hypersensitive myocarditis,
    (b) 淋巴球多 LM (Lymphocytic myocarditis)
    (c) 單核球多 GCM (Giant cell myocarditis)
    (d) 寄生蟲Trypanosomas引起Chagas disease
   (3) CHF


   (1) VSD
    (a) Perimembranous
    (b) Muscular
    (c) Inlet / Conoventricular
    (d) Outlet / Infundibular
   (2) ASD
    (a) Type I : Septum primum
    (b) Type II : Septum secundum
    (c) Type III : Venous sinus
   (3) AVSD
    (a) 單一annulus : Complete AVSD
    (b) 雙重annulus : Partial AVSD


   (1) Coarctation of Aorta (CoA)
   (2) Aortic aneurysm
   (3) Aortic dissection (AD)
   (4) Truncus arteriosus (動脈幹發育不全、共同動脈幹)
     (a) Common valve
     (b) Common trunk
   (5) DORV (Double outlet of RV, 右心雙出口)
   (6) PDA (Patent ductus arteriosus)
   (7) PHTN (Pulmonary hypertension)
   (8) TGA (Transposition of Aorta, 大動脈轉位)


   (1) Pericarditis
   (2) Pericardial effusion
   (3) Cardia tamponade (心包填塞)


   (1) Myxoma
    (a) 良性:LAM (Left atrium myxoma)
    (b) 惡性:RAM (Right atrium myxoma)
   (2) Metastasis cancer
    (a) Lung cancer meta
    (b) Breast cancer meta


   (1) GVHD (Graph versus host disease)
    = AA (Allographic arteriopathy, 同種異體血管病變)


   (1) Cardiac amyloidosis (CA)
   (2) Carcinoid heart disease (類癌心臟病,
     神經內分泌瘤NET Neuroendocrine tumor)
   (3) Group A b-hemolytic streptococcus induced RHD
   (4) Cor pulmonale (心肺症)
   (5) TOF (Tetralogy of Fallot, 法洛氏四重症)
   (6) Trama
     (a) Blunt trama (鈍傷)
     (b) Penetrating trama (穿刺傷)


1. First choice


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