1. 可以使用動態聽診鑑別的疾病
(1) HOCM
深蹲的時候,靜脈回流會增加,這術語叫做 Increased venous return,又稱為 Increased preload。Preload 將 LVOT (Left ventricular outlet) 推開,因此 Murmur 減少。
( 複習:Murmur 的定義是血流遇到阻力時所發出的聲音。回想量血壓的時候壓脈帶壓迫 Brachial artery 會產生雜音)
(2) TR
(3) AS
(4) MR
2. S2 splitting
3. 心音診斷流程
4. 聽診位置
5. Systolic murmur
6. Diastolic murmur
7. Murmur 統整
8. Heart murmur 嚴重度分級 (Grading I to VI)
心音出現 S3 or S4 gallop,以下描述,何者除外?
(A) 代表右束支傳導阻滯(Right bundle branch block)
(B) 第三心音 S3 gallop 在心尖位置最容易聽到
(C) 第四心音 S4 gallop 在心尖位置最容易聽到
(D) 可以來自左心室,右心室或是雙側或第四心音,或兩者都有
S3 : LV systolic dysfunction - Apex
S4 : LV diastolic dysfunction - Apex
RBBB 的診斷仰賴 EKG ,聽診聽不出變化,故選(A)。
以下描述的心雜音,你會評為幾級?「與心音聲音強度相當,但觸診時有 thrill,聽筒拿離開皮膚表面也聽得到。」
(A) I
(B) II
(D) VI
記住 Thrill 觸診從 Grade IV 開始,Grade V 是聽筒輕微碰觸可以聽到murmur,Grave VI 是聽筒懸空就聽的到。故答案選(D)Grade VI。
關於重度主動脈瓣狹窄 (severe aortic stenosis) 的敘述,何者為非?
(A)雜音強度在右上胸骨緣最大聲(right upper sternal border)
(B)當 S2 聽不到或減弱可以排除嚴重的主動脈瓣狹窄
聽診四個位置的口訣:APTM。RUSB 聽 Aortic valve(A),AS是Mid-systolic murmur(C)。AS murmur會輻射到其他位置,例如輻射到Carotid artery,這稱為Gallavardin issociation(D)。
當AS murmur變小聲的時候不要高興太早,因為可能是AS惡化導致Aortic valve動不了造成murmur變小。
以下描述的心音和心雜音最有可能是以下哪一個情況?“irregular S1, S3(+), S4(-), Gr 3/6 holo-systolic murmur at LV apex with radiation to axillary area”
(A) 二尖瓣脫垂合併心室期外收縮
(B) 鬱血性心衰竭合併二尖瓣狹窄合併心房顫動
(C) 鬱血性心衰竭合併二尖瓣逆流和心房顫動
(D) 心房中隔缺損
1 Holo-systolic murmur = MR, TR, VSD;
2. LV apex = MR;
3. Radiation to axillary area = 只有MR會輻射到腋下和後背。
4. S3(+) 代表LV systolic dysfunction。
故答案選(C) CHF w/ MR and AF
Which of the following statements is Carvollo´s sign ?
(A) increased systolic murmur of TR with inspiration
(B) increased systolic murmur of TR with expiration
(C) increased systolic murmur of MR with inspiration
(D) increased systolic murmur of MR with expiration
TR 影響右心造成 Carvollo's sign,且TR是Holo-systolic murmur,在吸氣時preload增加所以murmur大、吐氣時候murmur小。
Which of the following description is wrong about opening snap in auscultation?
(A) Opening snap occurs during early diastolic phase |
(B) Opening snap occurs after S1
(C) Associated with mitral stenosis
(D) Often diminished with inspiration
(E) Opening snap is best heard between apex and left lower sternal border
OS 是 diastilic murmur,而且與MV有關所以是MS會發出的。答案選(B)
動態聽診時候,AS, AR, MS, MR都是吸氣時候murmur decrease。(只有HOCM相反)
How much pressure should be applied with a stethoscope diaphragm (or a bell) for best hearing to heart sound S3?
(A) Enough pressure to damp out the low frequencies.
(B) Enough pressure to tighten the skin.
(C) Just enough to prevent room-noise leak.
(D) Enough pressure to the skin to prevent pain.
Heart sound S3, S4 為低頻音。基本上 diaphragm 用來聽高頻音, 需結實地壓在胸壁上, bell 用來聽低頻音,只要輕輕靠著胸壁即可。不論是 diaphragm 或 bell, 若將聽診器用力壓緊,會聽不到低頻的 S3 、 S4 ,反而聽到高頻 的 mid systolic click 、 ejection sound 、 opening snap 。答案選(C)。
About heart sound S2,which description is incorrect?
(A)S2 splitting is always pathological(abnormal)
(B)A2-P2 interval is wider during the inspiratory phase
(C)Fixed splitting of S2 may occur in patients with a atrial septal defect
(D)In aortic stenosis, the intensity of A2 can be increased or decreased
(A) 正常情況下就聽的到S2 splitting。
(B) 記: spl"I"tt"I"ng w"I"der=Inspiration,所以S2 spitting在inspiration的時候比較寬。
(C) Wider splitting = 右側比較慢 = RBBB 或是 PS
Fixed splitting = 心房心室兩側有交通 = ASD, VSD, Left to right shunt
Paradoximal splitting = Severe AS (很經典所以忘不了)
How can a Valsalva maneuver help differentiate the systolic murmur of valvular aortic stenosis (AS) from that of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM)?
(A) During a strain, the venous return is decreased, and the AS murmur is increased
(B) During a strain, the venous return is decreased, and the HOCM murmur is increased
(C)During a strain, the venous return is increased, and the AS murmur is increased
(D)During a strain, the venous return is increased, and the HOCM murmur is decreased
Strain=緊張時候,交感神經活化導致Venous return減少,LVOT更狹窄,所以HOCM murmur增加。相反的AS murmur減少。
1. E. M. Brown (2009). Heart sounds made easy.
2. UpToDate. Auscultation of heart sounds.